12-Month Gut Healing Program

Cultivate a Multi-dimensional Toolbox and Insource Your Power to Heal 


If you are ready to breathe life back into your gut, learn how to trust the messages from your body, and experience food freedom, make sure to get on our early access list by entering your email below. Be the first to know when registration opens. You'll receive all the details about our full program, allowing you to make an informed decision about enrolling based on whether it aligns with your needs. We look forward to helping you explore this opportunity!


There are only 10 spots open to work 1:1 with Sarah for 2024. 

Ready to take the first step toward your healing journey?

Enter your email now to ensure you're among the first to access our program applications and receive detailed insights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to start your path to wellness!

Submitting your email lets us know that you'd like more information but is in no way a binding contract that you will join our program.

What is Digestive Attunement?   


The process of bringing the microbiome back into harmony through awareness and action to your own energetic, emotional and physical needs. When you view the body as fully connected, healing becomes seamless. This program provides you with tools needed to bring your microbiome and your body back into harmony. 

Program Tools

Expert Guidance


We use data to destroy overwhelm. With concrete insights into the body's biochemistry, we can create a customized healing roadmap. The Gut Alchemy panel includes customized bloodwork, food sensitivity testing, and stool testing multiple times throughout your journey on the program. 

Personalized Approach


You will work directly with Sarah to overcome the fear and limiting beliefs of past healing journeys. Together, you will build a customized plan that feels achievable, empowering, and comfortable as you begin to connect to your innate digestive wisdom. 

Long-Term Results


Knowledge is potential power; action is power. With over 40 hours of educational content, reflections, and activities, this program teaches you to think like a practitioner and make choices based on the messages from your body. You will learn the skills needed to begin to trust the way your body again.

Ready for your renewed sense of health?

 Your journey includes:
~ Comprehensive labs at the start and mid-point of your journey

~  Expert 1:1 guidance and co-creation
~  Continuous support through direct communication 
~  Community involvement with peers and experts

Interested in Being the First?

Enter your email to inform us that you'd like to be the first to receive access to program applications and learn more about program details. 

Submitting your email lets us know that you'd like more information but is in no way a binding contract that you will join our program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Add Me To the Interest List!

We will follow up with you directly when it's time to apply. Get ready for the good stuff! ✨

Submitting your email lets us know that you'd like more information but is in no way a binding contract that you will join our program.